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In honor and in memory…

Today, we announce the passing of two members of Wesley Church.
Information for funeral arrangements may be found below.
If you would like to offer a word of sympathy to the families, please send your cards to the church office, and we will forward them to the families.
Please pray for their families and loved ones during this time of grief.
In this season, as in every season, our eternal hope is in Christ!

Kasey Renowden, 78, passed away on October 6, 2024.
A memorial service will take place on Sunday, October 27, 2024, at 12:30 PM in the Wesley Church Sanctuary.
Click here to view Kasey Renowden’s obituary.

Phyllis Niewoehner, 91, passed away on Monday, October 14, 2024.
A memorial service will take place on Sunday, November 17, 2024, at 1:00 PM in the Wesley Church Sanctuary.
We will share Phyllis Niewoehner’s obituary when it becomes available.
Holiday Craft Fair

Join us for Wesley’s annual Holiday Craft Fair! The fair will take place on Sunday December 1, 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM, in Fellowship Hall. Shop from local crafters and find that special holiday gift! Lunch will also be available for purchase, and all food purchases will benefit the Backpack program. For more information, or to sign up as a crafter, please contact Debbie Ace.
New Landscaping

from Doug Janzti, Vice Chair of Trustees
The trustees started to notice a few years ago that the landscaping in front of the church was beginning to look overgrown and tired, particularly the two blue spruce. So, we had a landscaper draw up a plan and give us a price… but it was low on our budget priority list. Then we received a donation specifically for improving the way the church looks from the road (including landscaping!). The donation wasn’t enough to cover the cost, but it was a good start. Then another donation came in, bringing the total to 90% of what was needed, and we decided to move ahead.
Work has already begun. Walk out and take a look! But there’s still the remaining 10% of the cost. Are you interested in making a contribution to this project, or a memorial to someone with a particular boulder, tree, or shrub? Contact us! Our October Power of One will also benefit this project.
Thank you for your support!
Penny Wars: It’s Time for Pie!

Join us after worship on Sunday November 10 to watch Dave (Wesley’s resident “sound and lawn guy”) get a pie in the face as part of this year’s Penny Wars! Thank you to everyone who donated funds to Penny Wars (and thank you to our Counting Team for sorting all of those pennies!). All proceeds will be used to help purchase a new Dutch style (split) door for our nursery classroom.
Penny Wars is a game of friendly sabotage through donations of coins and cash. Pennies add points, and all other coins and cash take away points. (100 pennies, for example, adds 100 points to the competitor’s total… but a single quarter takes away 25 points, and a $5 bill takes away 500 points!) Put your pennies in the jar of the competitor you hope will win the penny war, and all other donations in the jar of the competitor you want to sabotage. At the end, the competitor with the most points (not necessarily the most money!) will be declared the winner — and the other competitor will get a pie in the face!