A vision to help our community

Over 10 years ago, a Pastor here at Wesley Church had a vision to help our community: a school bus in the parking lot loaded with backpacks filled with school supplies for local children in need. In 2013, thanks to the blessing of an anonymous donation, the Wesley “We Got Your Back” program was born. Since our small start, we have now distributed over 15,000 backpacks to children in 30 school districts in the Lehigh Valley and surrounding areas.
As our program has continued to grow over the years, we now serve more than 500 families a year via our annual event each summer and local partnerships. At the “We Got Your Back” event, families receive backpacks of school supplies, packages of new socks and underwear, snacks/lunch, haircuts, medical screenings, and more. They can also get information from various local organizations such as the Bethlehem City Fire Department, the Bethlehem Health Bureau, Cops’n’Kids, Wegmans, and the Lehigh Valley Therapy Dogs.
Interested in helping?
We are always looking for donations of both needed items, volunteers, and partnerships with local businesses.
Donations can be in the form of backpacks, school supplies (see list), and socks and underwear (see size list).
School supplies included in the backpacks are: two pocket folders, wide ruled notebooks, pencil cases, pencils, pink erasers, scissors, rulers, highlighters, dry erase markers, packs of markers, packs of crayons, glue sticks, and tissues.
Socks are given out in sizes small, medium, and large. Underwear is given out in sizes 4, 6/8, 10/12, 14/16, and 18/20.
Volunteers are needed throughout the summer to prepare for the event and on the event day itself.
Local businesses can host a table at the event, donate items, or become an event sponsor.
To make a donation, volunteer, or get more information on becoming a local business partner, please contact us at backpacksatwesley@gmail.com.
Stay Current
Short Video of Past Backpack Event at Wesley