Music at Wesley
Music is an important part of worship at Wesley. Music connects deep in our souls and is a powerful way for us to express those feelings: to offer praise and thanks to God, to connect with our Creator and Savior, to cry out with our struggles, to lean on the One who sustains us, to recognize God’s grace and forgiveness in our lives, and to respond as we are called to go out in the world as disciples of Christ. Singing and music bind us together. Augustine has said “when we sing, we pray twice.” We lift our prayers, through music, and we offer ourselves, that through us, yet in spite of us, may God’s name be praised and together may we encounter the presence of Christ who guides us every day.
Audience of One

Audience of One is the praise band at Wesley church, including vocalists, keyboard, acoustic guitar, bass guitar and drums. The band leads the contemporary music in worship, including congregational praise and worship songs, as well as a musical response that ties into the theme and message for the week. Audience of One leads worship most Sunday’s throughout the year, as well as special services such as Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday and Christmas Eve. Our tech person and sound person are also a vital part of this ministry, providing the slide and visuals, coordinating videos, setting up and adjusting equipment needs, balancing the group, and more. The group rehearses year-round on Thursday evenings from 7:45-10PM.
Contact Becky if you are interested to learn more about the group or would like to learn about the process to be on the alternate list for vocals, instrumentals, tech or sound.
Jubilation Singers

The Jubilations Singers is a 4-part vocal choir, made up of high schoolers and adults. The Jubilation Singers lead the traditional music in worship, singing the hymns and choral musical responses that connect to the morning message. The choir sings most Sundays of the month, from September through early June, as well as for special services such as Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Christmas Eve and sometimes an occasional special summer service. The group rehearses on Wednesday evenings from 7:15-8:30PM, September through early June.
Contact Becky, if you are interested in singing or would like more information.
Celebration Ringers

The Celebration Ringers is and advanced bell group, ringing 5 octaves of bells and 4 octaves of chimes. They often use mallets and other fun techniques to create unique musical sounds. The group typically rings once a month in worship, from October through early June, as well as offering music for special services during the holy seasons of the year. The group has also done some playing in the community at nursing homes, dinners, and other events. Sometimes a small groups of ringers will add music to special services or during summer worship. Currently there are 13 ringers and the group is always looking to grow their sub list for both rehearsals and times they ring in worship. The group rehearses on Wednesday evenings from 6-7:15PM, from September through early June.
For more information or to inquire about being on the sub list, please contact Chris .
Amazing Ringing Kids (ARK)

Amazing Ringing Kids is the children’s chime choir, ages 4-5th grade. This is a beginning group, and does not require children to know how to read music. The children meet on Sunday mornings, from 8:30-9AM, and ring in worship about 5-6 times a year.
For more information or to inquire about a young person playing chimes, please contact Chris.
Jesus and Me Choir (JAM)

Jesus and Me Choir is the singing choir for children from age 4-5th grade. The group sings in worship a few times a year, generally from October through early June. They also sometimes offer music in the special services, such as the Celebration of Music service during Advent, and Palm Sunday. JAM rehearses on Sundays from 11:15-11:45AM, from September through early June.
For more information or to inquire about a young person singing in the group, please contact Becky.

Klangchor is a beginning youth and adult bell group. If you have never rung a bell before, but are interested to learn, this is the group for you. Techniques for ringing will be taught. It is helpful if you have at least an idea of how to read music, but this, too, can be taught.
For more information or to inquire about ringing in this group, please contact Chris .
Currently Wesley Church worships at 10AM on Sundays with a blended style service. Most week’s the theme and message are based on a carefully created series, as we seek to more deeply understand who God is and how God is guiding us to live in God’s love and grace, as we seek to live in kingdom ways. There is careful intentionality put on weaving together the scripture, message and music. In every service there is a blending of both traditional and contemporary styles of music, including organ, piano, Jubilation Singers (the traditional choir) and Audience of One (the praise band). Often other groups such as the Celebration Ringers, Amazing Ringing Kids and Jesus and Me Choir offer musical gifts in worship. We typically celebrate communion on the 1st Sunday of the month, and at other specific seasons of the church year.
We hope you will come join us in worship as together we praise God and grow as disciples of the Risen Christ!