It’s almost that time again — time for “Sermons from a Brown Bag!” During the season of Easter, Pastor Candy preaches messages inspired by the ordinary and random items provided by people in the pews — like you! If you would like to submit an item to inspire (or stump!) the pastor, please bring your item (packed in a brown bag) and drop it off in the church office.
Annual Conference Update – Part 3
by Rosemary Molinaro, Lay Delegate
On Saturday May 20, the EPA Annual Conference was coming to a close. Our final day began with praise and worship to celebrate all that had been accomplished together. The agenda was to review and vote on the remainder of the Conference budget and resolutions. However, due to time constraints and the importance of the material, Bishop Schol asked for a vote to return at a later date to finalized the agenda; the vote was carried and we will wait for information on the new date.
The Service of Commissioning and Ordination was held for new Clergy. It was a wonderful way to close the annual conference. I am glad to have had this experience representing Wesley UMC at the Annual Conference and to see how we, the laity and clergy, work together for the good of our church and to the glory of God. Our faith guides our hearts and minds to lead us to be “people blessing people” and together we are a church of “possibilities”.
Thank you for this opportunity. If you would like to watch the conference, you can find it on by searching “2023 EPA Annual Conference”.
Spring Cleaning, Part 2 – this Saturday!
We are so grateful for the efforts of those who participated in our spring cleaning efforts at the beginning of April! Our spring cleaning tasks are nearly complete. Want to help us finish the job? Join us this Saturday April 22 beginning at 9:00 AM. We’ll gather branches and dead tree limbs from around the church property and dispose of them in the wood chipper. Many hands are needed to collect branches! For more information, please contact Rich Chambers.
Sunday School Class Re-enacted the Last Supper
As we prepare to enter Holy Week, our PreK-1st grade Sunday School class re-enacted the Last Supper. Thank you Ms. Cindy and Ms. Rosemary for sharing such a meaningful experience.
St. Patrick’s Day Fellowship Hour
As part of our “Year of the Table,” we invite you to join us after worship on Sunday March 19 for a special St. Patrick’s Day Fellowship Hour! Enjoy green baked goods and fruit, delicious fair-trade coffee, Lucky Charms cocoa, and more! To volunteer to provide treats for this (or any) fellowship hour, please contact the church office.
Catching Up with Pastor Candy
This week, I had the opportunity to catch up with our church staff for one of our staff meetings. During our gathering, we continued our conversation about nurturing a culture of appreciation here at Wesley. We are so grateful for all the ways that the people of our church offer themselves in service. We appreciate your efforts!