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Learn more about Legacy Giving
We appreciate your gifts as we seek to be people blessing people.
Your gifts will be a part of the miracle that is ministry! Through your gifts, you create opportunities for children and youth to grow as people — and as people of faith. You help meet the needs of our community through the Lehigh Valley Outreach Depot, the Wesley Community Garden, the Bethlehem Emergency Shelter, and the “We Got Your Back” Backpack Program. You create opportunities for people to be connected and supported through prayer groups and support groups.
You enable others to grow through Bible studies and book clubs. You support our United Methodist connectional giving, making an impact all around the world. You create the opportunity for God’s people to worship together — whether in our sanctuary, in our parking lot, or halfway around the world! None of this is possible without the kind of contentment that leads to generosity. None of this is possible without your gifts!