Did you know?
There are so many ways to give!
Making a gift from your regular income is just one way to support all that God is doing at Wesley Church. A legacy gift can be a powerful — and surprisingly easy — way to offer financial support as well. Consider one of the following legacy gift options:
#1 – Donate to Wesley Church using money from an IRA.
Money from an individual retirement account (IRA) can be donated to charity. For those over the age of 72 who need to take required minimum distributions (RMDs) from an IRA, donating those funds to an organization like Wesley Church can make your distributions tax-free. Both you and your church benefit!
#2 – Donate to Wesley Church through appreciated stock.
Donating appreciated stock is one of the easiest ways to give money to a charitable organization. By giving an appreciated stock, you can rebalance your own portfolio, avoid capital gains taxes on the appreciated stock, and support the work of a charitable organization like Wesley Church. It is simple and easy to do!
#3 – Donate to Wesley Church using life insurance.
Life insurance can be an effective and convenient way to give an asset to a charitable organization such as Wesley Church. There are various methods of making life insurance donations (each with its own unique tax advantages), and it is often one of the simplest ways to remember the church in your legacy giving plans. Talk to an insurance professional about a charitable giving rider or other life insurance gift, or contact the church office for more information.
#4 – Donate to Wesley Church by making a bequest in your will.
Bequests are gifts that are made as part of a will or trust. While bequests are often made to individual persons, they can also be made to a charitable organization — including Wesley Church! Take some time to review your will, and consider naming Wesley Church as a beneficiary.

A legacy gift is a powerful way to ensure the long-term financial stability of your church and its ministries. Wesley Church is able to receive and process any of these types of legacy gifts. For more information, please contact the church office.