From image 304

From image 304
Whirlwind Spirit of God,
roar through our timidities and fears,
shake the foundations of our ill-placed securities,
sweep away the cobwebs of our apathy,
blow down the walls that separate us, one from another.
Then into all our empty space, breathe
re-strengthened courage to challenge injustice,
renewed belief in the urgency of our vocation,
revitalized passion to change our lifestyles,
re-dedication to speak only words that build and unite.
Let gentle breeze and still small voice
become in us today
mighty wind and loud proclamation.
Make of us a Pentecost people!
Winston the Greyhound (Wesley’s unofficial and accidental church mascot) has been kidnapped, and we need your help to get him back! He’s in no danger, of course… but we still want to rescue him soon. We received a note with the following ransom demands:
The ransom note is clear: this rescue must be a church-wide effort! So help us rescue our beloved mascot and support some worthy causes in the process! All donations for Winston’s “ransom” may be placed in the box near the church’s front doors.
It’s time to check your shelves (and stacks) for overdue library books. We’d like to get them back as soon as possible. Then you can get some new items for summer reading!
Get ready for Vacation Bible School (VBS) at Wesley Church!
Are you ready to get in on all the VBS fun? There’s still time to register a child or sign up to volunteer. Use our VBS webpage to complete your registration. For more information, please contact Ms. Deb.
This year at VBS, we want to serve God together by collecting items for Backpack Buddies! When school isn’t open during the summer months, some families struggle to provide food for their children. We want to work together to help others have enough food! Through VBS week, we’ll be encouraging children to bring snack or lunch items as an offering each day. At the end of the week, we will deliver these items to the New Bethany Ministries Food Pantry and the Northampton Food Bank.
You can help by bringing donation items this Sunday (June 25) or thorughout VBS week. Suggested donation items include:
Thank you for your generosity!
Throughout the last several months, a dedicated group of Wesley folks have been providing the sweets and treats for our weekly fellowship hour. We’re giving them a break over the summer months… but we want to keep the connections going! Can you help provide sweets or treats for an upcoming fellowship hour? Use our online signup or use the hard copy version posted in the atrium. Possible items include baked goods, fruit, cheese trays, and more. (Baked goods may be store-bought or homemade. When you provide items, please note whether your items contain common allergens such as nuts, gluten, milk, and eggs.)
2540 Center Street
Bethlehem PA 18017
Service Sunday 10AM