We hope to offer the gift of labyrinth walking to our church and community during Holy Week.
We are in need of a few volunteers to help with setup and cleanup. If you would like to help in this way, please contact Pastor Candy.
We hope to offer the gift of labyrinth walking to our church and community during Holy Week.
We are in need of a few volunteers to help with setup and cleanup. If you would like to help in this way, please contact Pastor Candy.
This week, it was my privilege to join with our own Pastor Steph Cramer and Epworth UMC’s Pastor Nina Patton-Semerod for a sacred Lenten tradition: gathering last year’s palm leaves, burning the palms to ash, mixing the ashes with oil, and offering the mark ashes to the gathered faithful.
It’s such an important part of the ritual of Lent, and I’m so grateful to share these moments with such wonderful colleagues in ministry.
We have lots of beautiful picture books about Easter for sale on the book table. Why not add one to a special child’s Easter basket? Some of the books are bunny rabbit and Easter egg fare and others have a more religious theme. If you don’t want to buy a book, we have plenty for borrowing in the library.
And, speaking of buying books, several people have enquired about the timing of our next used book sale. Mark your calendars for the end of September.
Our Friday morning children’s storytimes have started up again. We always enjoy reading to the little ones in Circle of Friends preschool, and we have a fine collection of picture books for them to borrow.
Please click for our Wesley Church Library ONLINE
In just a few weeks, it will be Easter — a day when we celebrate the resurrection and welcome many new visitors to our church! Help us make a good first impression by joining us for our church-wide cleanup day on Saturday, April 2 beginning at 9AM. Outdoor and indoor tasks are available.
Elena Hume is in Abu Dhabi, in the United Arab Emirates studying until May 25. Mail is difficult, but Elena would love to receive ecards and messages at ehume8@yahoo.com.
Julianna Caskie is in Paris, France studying until May 6. Although packages take a long time to deliver, she would love to receive “real” cards and letters or e-cards.
Her address is:
Julianna Caskie
chez IES Abroad
29 Rue Saint-Amand
EMAIL: JLC523@lehigh.edu
These students may be far, but let’s keep them in our prayers. If you know of someone living abroad and know they’d like to hear from us, please let Sue Kiefner know so we can share information through the enews.
This video series has had overwhelmingly positive reviews from viewers. People are drawn to the very human and relatable depictions of Jesus and his followers, who are “the chosen.” While using the Bible as its guideline, plausible backstories help to add life and context to what transpires in the ancient texts. Come and see what all the hype is about!
Barbara Reimers and Wendy Arbushites will be leading a discussion group on Season 2 of The Chosen on Monday evenings from 7-8:30 PM. This group will meet April 18 – June 6. (Memorial Day will be negotiated by the group.) If you have not watched Season 1 of The Chosen, please watch it before watching Season 2.
Seasons 1 and 2 of the series are available in various ways, including on the free Chosen app, on YouTube, and in DVD format at various outlets. Please contact Barbara Reimers to purchase a copy of the study guide ($15.00) we will use in this discussion group. You can also call her to enroll in the study group, or let the church office know that you would like to participate. Barbara has a few copies of the series on DVD if you would like to borrow one.
2540 Center Street
Bethlehem PA 18017
Service Sunday 10AM