Many thanks to those who have offered financial gifts to support relief efforts in Ukraine. As a church, we are joining the North District’s effort to partner with Transfiguration Ukrainian Catholic Church in Shamokin to provide protective gear — primarily helmets and vests — to civilians in Ukraine. These gifts can help people more safely venture out to find food or medicine in the midst of continued fighting. Your gifts will make an incredible difference.
Handbell Director Wanted
13 member advanced Handbell Choir in need of Handbell Director.
Choir uses 5 octaves of Schulmerich handbells and 5 octaves of Malmark chimes.
Rehearsals 6:00 – 7:30 PM every Wednesday evening from September through May. Choir plays monthly at 11 AM Sunday worship service during this time frame. Additional rehearsals/performances during Advent, Holy Week, and for special engagements.
Must be advanced handbell ringer and have previous directing experience.
Interested parties should contact Gary at
Altar Flowers
Would you like to help beautify the altar area on Sunday mornings and celebrate a special occasion?
Consider signing up to provide altar flowers for Sunday morning worship. Each bouquet is $40.00 and you can either take it home with you any time after the second service on Sunday or donate it for our Care Team to use on their visits.
The sign-up book is in the Atrium, or you can email
with your request.
Spring Fling Yard Salexx
9:30 AM – 2 PM | March 19
Come shop from many yard sale tables and vendors. To reserve a table, contact Debbie Ace or sign up in the Atrium.
There will be a community egg hunt at 1 PM for children ages 1 – 13. No registration is required.
Donations for the Wesley Church table are welcomed and can be brought into church prior to March 16 and placed in the bin in the atrium.
Mammy’s Angels will be collecting candy, Easter baskets, grass, basket fillers, small toys, stuffed animals, canned vegetables, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and gravy for families in need. Click here to sign up.
Labyrinth Setup Needed!
We hope to offer the gift of labyrinth walking to our church and community during Holy Week.
We are in need of a few volunteers to help with setup and cleanup. If you would like to help in this way, please contact Pastor Candy.
Catching Up with Pastor Candy
This week, it was my privilege to join with our own Pastor Steph Cramer and Epworth UMC’s Pastor Nina Patton-Semerod for a sacred Lenten tradition: gathering last year’s palm leaves, burning the palms to ash, mixing the ashes with oil, and offering the mark ashes to the gathered faithful.
It’s such an important part of the ritual of Lent, and I’m so grateful to share these moments with such wonderful colleagues in ministry.