At WCOF we strive to give each and every child a quality education in a loving environment while keeping our tuition costs affordable for our families. This week we are launching a new fundraiser to help offset those costs.
For each Wawa coupon that we sell, we raise $1.00 for the many activities and learning experiences we provide here at WCOF. Coupons are $4.00 each, can be redeemed for a Wawa Shorti Hoagie (value $4.79-5.59), and have no expiration date. It’s a win-win fundraiser!
We are hoping that our church family will be excited to help our preschool family to grow by participating in this new fundraiser. Purchase your own, and consider buying extra to sell to friends and family. You can purchase your coupons with cash or check (payable to Wesley Church) on Sunday mornings, or email susan@wesleychurch.com.
We thank you in advance for your participation in this program!