Some of you have reached out asking for a copy of the prayer that was shared in worship last week. The traditional words can be found in our church’s hymnal (#607, if you have a copy handy!), but the updated contemporary language can be found below. May this prayer be your prayer as your renew your covenant with God!
Wesley Covenant Prayer
I give myself completely to you, God.
Assign me to my place in your creation.
Let me suffer for you.
Give me the work you would have me do.
Give me many tasks,
or have me step aside while you call others.
Put me forward or humble me.
Give me riches or let me live in poverty.
I freely give all that I am and all that I have to you.
And now, holy God — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit —
you are mine and I am yours.
So be it.
Many this Covenant made on earth continue for all eternity.