WHAT: Join us for a six-week study on the book of Revelation!\
WHO: Pastor Steph and anyone with questions, problems, or curiosities
WHEN: The same study will be offered at two different times each week — choose which one works best for you!
Sunday mornings, July 3 – August 7, 11:15 AM – 12:30 PM
Thursday evenings, July 7 – August 11, 6:30 PM – 7:45 PM
WHERE: Wesley Church Library
WHY: Are you confused by the book of Revelation? Are you afraid of the book? Are you wondering how it applies to your own life? You’re not alone. The book of Revelation is perhaps the most misunderstood and most misused book of the Bible. Yet it was originally intended to be one of the most encouraging and hope-filled letters to the early churches. That’s why we are offering a study suited for those who know their scripture by heart, as well as those who might not even own a Bible. Truly all are invited and encouraged to come find out why the book of Revelation is nothing to be afraid of, but rather something to be cherished.
WHAT TO BRING: There is no book to buy, no video to watch. Just bring you, your curiosity, and a Bible if you have one (Pastor Steph will have extras just in case).
For more info, or to sign up, contact Pastor Steph.