Why do we give? At this time of year, as we embark upon a season of giving and thanksgiving, I think it’s a valuable question to consider. Why do we give? What inspires us to be generous? What motivates us to take what we have and offer it to something beyond ourselves, something bigger than ourselves?
In the coming weeks, as you come to worship, we invite you to hear the story of one particularly generous, inspired, motivated giver. She’s a nameless widow, vulnerable and impoverished, who chose to give all that she had — two copper coins — to the work of God. Jesus celebrated her generosity… but what can we learn from it? And how can we be inspired by it? On October 24 and 31, we’ll discover her story (found in Mark 12:41-44) in a two-week sermon series, “Two Copper Coins.” Join us as this generous giver teaches us how we can give with an abundant mindset, offering God everything we have… and how we can give as part of a force for good, repairing some of the broken pieces of our world.
As you hear her story and find insight and inspiration within it, we invite you to prayerfully consider the ways that you will give to the ministry and mission of Wesley Church. Your generosity makes it possible for us to build community, worship and grow as community, and serve our wider community. Your generosity enables us to be people blessing people!
In that spirit, as part of this sermon series, I’ll be asking you to reflect and plan for how you want to support our ministries in the coming year. Use our digital pledge card to pledge your support for the ministry needs of Wesley Church (your regular offering to the General Fund), as well as additional support for the building needs of Wesley Church (an additional gift, over and above your regular offering, to the Building Fund).
You can make your pledge the same way you make your gifts: by placing it in the offering plate or secure offering boxes, mailing it to us at 2540 Center Street, or by visiting the giving pages on our church website at wesleychurch.com (to give, click the red “Give Today” button; to pledge, click on the digital pledge card link).
Wesley Church, it’s my hope that God’s Spirit will work within all of us, inspiring us to embrace both generosity and justice!
Pastor Candy