- Pastoral Care: If you have a pastoral care need, please contact the church office or email Pastor Candy.
- Prayer Shawl Ministry: Put your love of craft to some holy use! To get involved, contact Karen Rose at 610-657-5440, or by email.
- Altar Flowers: Mark a special occasion by providing altar flowers in worship! To sign up, email Susan Matacavage. Each bouquet costs $40.
- Amazon Smile: Support Wesley Church by using AmazonSmile — for each Amazon purchase you make, a donation is made to our church. Visit smile.amazon.com for more details.
- WCOF Wawa Coupons: Support our preschool by purchasing Wawa coupons! Each coupon costs $4, can be redeemed for a Wawa Shorti hoagie (valued at $4.79-5.59), and includes a $1 donation to Wesley Circle of Friends Preschool. It’s a win-win fundraiser! To order gift cards, or for more information, contact Susan Matacavage.
- Vanco Mobile: Download Vanco Mobile (formerly Give+) for more information on making a one-time or recurring financial gift.
- Birthday Cards: Our prayer team is seeking to send birthday cards to senior adults in our congregation. To be included, email Susan Matacavage (susan@wesleychurch.com) with your name and birth date.