Board of Trustees
Purpose: The Board of Trustees shall have the supervision, oversight, and care of all real property owned by the church and of all property and equipment acquired by the local church or by any organization connected therewith.
Chairperson: Rich Chambers 2019
Vice-Chairperson: Jeff Rose 2020
Secretary: Deb Silliman 2019
Pastor:Candy LaBar (ex-officio non-member)
Frank Madura 2020
Kim Krupka 2019
Kraig Hume 2019
Lisa Jacobsen 2019
Doug Jantzi 2019
Finance Team
Purpose: The committee on Finance shall give stewardship of financial resources as their priority throughout the year. It may delegate the responsibility to implement ways to generate more resources to mission and ministries of the local church and beyond and find creative ways to generate an attitude of generosity.
Jim Hunter (Chairperson)
Peter Marmaras (Chairperson)
Candy LaBar (Pastor and Generosity sub-group)
Sharon Schultz (Financial Secretary and Generosity sub-group )Anita Dalske (Bookkeeper)
Dave Siegfried (SPRC)
Michael Matacavage (Lay Leader)
Rich Chambers (Trustees)
Aaron Hook (Member at Large)
Bob Sopko (Member at Large)
Karen Marmaras (Lay Member to Annual Conference)
Nominations and Leadership Development
Purpose: To identify, develop, deploy, evaluate and monitor Christian spiritual leadership for the local congregation. Members of the committee shall engage in and be attentive to developing and enhancing their own Christian spiritual life in light of the mission of the Church.
Chairperson: Pastor Candy LaBar
Vice-Chairperson Lenore Mohr 2019
Lay Leader: Michael Matacavage
Chris Jacobsen 2019
Brian Graybeal 2019
Christy Hume 2019
Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC)
Purpose: To encourage, strengthen, nurture, support and respect the pastor(s) and staff and their family(s), to promote unity in the church, and to confer with and counsel the pastor(s) and staff on the matters pertaining to the effectiveness of ministry; relationships with the congregation; the pastor’s health and self-care, conditions that may impede the effectiveness of ministry; and to interpret the nature and function of the ministry.
Chairperson: Dave Siegfried 2019
Pastor: Candy LaBar
Lay Leader: Michael Matacavage
Lay Member to Annual Conference: Karen Marmaras
Meg Ksensakovic 2019
Liz Lewis 2019
Michael Krom 2019
Jamie Walters 2019
Samir Kakade 2020
Nicole Lockhart 2020
Church Council
Purpose: Provides for planning and implementing a program of nurture, outreach, witness, and resources in the local church. The church council is directed by the charge conference.
Christian Lockhart (Chairperson)
Pastor Candy LaBar (Administrative Officer, ex-officio)
Michael Matacavage (Lay Leader)
Dave Siegfried (Chair Person SPRC)
Jim Hunter and Peter Marmaras (Co-Chairs Finance)
Richard Chambers (Chair Person Trustees)
Wayne Muffley
Anita Dalske (Bookkeeper)
Karen Marmaras (Lay Member to Annual Conference)
Christine Foster (Alternate Lay Member to Annual Conference)
Ryan Adamson (Youth Representative)
Open (Young Adult Representative)
Wayne Muffley (Member at Large)
Jason Walters (Chairperson of Social Justice)
Sue Kiefner (Chairperson of Outreach and Missions)
Tracy Leszcynski (WCOF)
Sharon Schultz (Financial Secretary)
Paid Program staff attend when asked/available