“Pray without ceasing.”
-Thessalonians 5:17, NRSV
“Rejoice in hope, be patient in suffering, persevere in prayer.”
-Romans 12:12, NRSV
On Wednesdays, my daily devotionals often take the form of a “call to prayer,” in which I share with you some of the things I’m praying for, and ask you to share some of what you’re praying for, too. Today is a bit different. Today I want to share an invitation for you to participate in two prayer events that will take place in the coming week here at Wesley Church.
I’m feeling the need to pray, church. As I look back at the events that unfolded in the US Capitol just one week ago, and as I look ahead to a week that the FBI warns may be marked by further demonstrations and perhaps even violence, I find myself drawn to prayer. As I anticipate the observance of MLK Day and talk to my children about the legacy of Dr. King, I find myself drawn to prayer. As I hear reports of rising COVID-19 infection and mortality rates and concerns about the more highly-contagious COVID-19 variant, I find myself drawn to prayer. As I look through the dates of my calendar and am reminded that next week is the regularly-scheduled “Week of Prayer for Christian Unity,” I find myself drawn to prayer.
So we’re going to pray! In the coming days, we’ll host two remote prayer events in which you can participate from the comfort and safety of your own home.
Our first event will be a Weekend Prayer Vigil, held on Saturday January 16 and Sunday January 17. Inspired by the words of 1 Thessalonians 5:17 (“pray without ceasing”), we’ll host a remote prayer vigil from Saturday morning through Sunday evening. By signing up for one of our remote prayer time slots (offered every hour, beginning Saturday at 9:00 AM and ending Sunday at 9:00 PM), you’ll help us create a 36-hour chain of prayer. Please note: you do not need to commit to pray for the full hour (though you are welcome to do so!); simply commit to pray for a period of time during that hour. Together we can “pray without ceasing” for healing, wholeness, and peace.
Sign up for the Weekend Prayer Vigil here:
Our second event will be a Weeklong Daily Prayer, beginning on Monday January 18 (MLK Day) and continuing through Sunday January 24. Inspired by the words of Romans 12:12 (“persevere in prayer”), we’re encouraging you to “persevere in prayer” by making a commitment to pray at the same time each day. Sign up for a morning time slot (7:00 AM), a midday time slot (12:00 PM), or an evening time slot (9:00 PM). In this way, our church will be praying “morning, noon, and night” during this “Week of Prayer for Christian Unity,” seeking the kind of true unity marked by justice and peace.
Sign up for the Weeklong Daily Prayer here:
Be people of prayer, friends, and remember:
Our God is bigger than coronavirus.
Our vision is bigger than coronavirus, too.
We are people blessing people.
We are Wesley Church.
Want to know more?
- Learn about our church and its ministries: https://wesleychurch.com/
- Make a gift to support our mission: https://wesleychurch.com/giving-2/
- View our recent messages: https://wesleychurch.com/sermon-message-on-video/
- View previous devotionals: https://wesleychurch.com/pastor-candys-devotionals-2/