I was made for winter. I love the cold. I love the snow. (It seems my children were made for winter, too. This week, despite a Nor’easter and temps well below freezing, they asked me to go to the store to pick up some ice cream. But then, I still drink iced coffee in winter, too. The frozen apple doesn’t fall far from the snow-covered tree.)
Yet I’m mindful that my love of winter comes from a place of privilege. I’m able to enjoy winter because I’m able to enjoy it from the warmth and security of my home. I have access to adequate, stable shelter… and because of that, the forecast of a Nor’easter is exciting, rather than threatening. I have the resources I need to make winter enjoyable. That’s a privilege.
Yet I’m mindful that my love of winter comes from a place of privilege. I’m able to enjoy winter because I’m able to enjoy it from the warmth and security of my home. I have access to adequate, stable shelter… and because of that, the forecast of a Nor’easter is exciting, rather than threatening. I have the resources I need to make winter enjoyable. That’s a privilege.
So today, as snow covers the ground, I’m lifting up prayers for those who are under-resourced, those for whom the plummeting temps of winter pose a very real threat.
I’m praying for God to keep them safe.
I’m praying for God to preserve their lives.
I’m praying God will make us mindful of their needs.
And I’m praying God will inspire and raise up new servants to meet those needs.
After all, that’s how God typically answers prayers and meets needs. That’s how God manages the legwork. That’s how God works.
What are you praying for today, church?
Share your prayer requests by:
- Emailing Pastor Candy: pastorcandy@wesleychurch.com
- Emailing Pastor Debbie: pastordebbie@wesleychurch.com
- Filling out our digital prayer card: https://wesleychurch.com/prayer-request-test/
Together, our Wesley Church Prayer Team will pray for each of your requests. If you would prefer for your prayer request to remain confidential with the pastoral staff, please indicate that in your message.
Be people of prayer, friends… and remember:
Our God is bigger than coronavirus.
Our vision is bigger than coronavirus, too.
We are people blessing people.
We are Wesley Church.
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- Learn about our church and its ministries: https://wesleychurch.com/
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