The Fifth Day:
Five Golden Rings
Because of its relative rarity, gold is a precious metal, a valuable substance. We use gold in ways that convey meaning and significance. Golden rings are exchanged in wedding ceremonies. Gold jewelry is handed down from generation to generation as a cherished family heirloom. Gold is something we value and treasure.
Gold represents riches, wealth, and money. As Christian people, we do not want to place all of our focus or priority on money — and yet, money is something we value, something that is a necessary part of all of our lives. On this fifth day, give a gift of valuable money — any amount you choose — to an organization that is doing good work in the community or the world. (If you want to make a special gift to support the work of God at Wesley Church, go to and click on the red “Give Today” button.)
On this fifth day, to whatever extent you’re able, offer the money you value to a cause that you value even more.
And remember, friends:
Our God is bigger than coronavirus.
Our vision is bigger than coronavirus, too.
We are people blessing people.
We are Wesley Church.
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