Wesley Church Library Services
We have finally received our new computer software and are busily working away at entering all our data. This will take a while but we are actually enjoying doing it. More updates on this as we progress.
Also, the library team will be selling quarts of homemade soup and loaves of quick breads on Rally Day, September 8 to help pay for the computer program and all the new books we have been getting in. Please plan on stocking up!
Featured Book:
THE BIBLE TELLS ME SO: Why Defending Scripture Has Made Us Unable to Read It by Peter Enns. Enns is a college professor and Old Testament scholar who discusses the ways in which we misinterpret the Bible. Highly readable.
The new books on display in the Young Adult section include several on how young people can and do make a difference in today’s turbulent times.
The Church Library houses more than 4000 books that you may borrow and read as long as you like. Reference books are also available, but must remain in the Library and cannot be borrowed. There is a big children’s section to be used.
Connect with connect with Barbara.
Book Discussions
All meetings will be held on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7:30 pm in the Church Library except the May meeting which begins at 7:00. There are no meetings in December, July or August
Facilitator: Barbara Reimers (610-694- 0767) Connect with Barbara.