Check out these Wesley Church ministries
as we head into 2025:
Youth Group:
(for students grades 6-12)
Contact: Brian Graybeal
● January 5: Ice Skating at Steel Stacks, 5-8 PM
● January 26: Youth Group in Fellowship Hall, 6-8 PM
● February 2: Youth Group Fellowship Hall, 6-8 PM
● February 14-16: Winter Blast Retreat at Pocono Plateau
“Caring Hearts for Seniors” Gift Drive
January 5 through February 2
Contact: Debbie Ace
Mammy’s Angels and Wesley Church are once again helping to bring Valentine love and joy to 35 seniors in our area. The Northampton County Area Agency on Aging and Wesley’s Congregational Care Team will distribute love-filled bags of goodies to uplift seniors in our church and community. Visit the Giving Tree in the Atrium after January 5 for a donation tag. Donations are due February 2.
Bethlehem Emergency Sheltering
Monday January 20
Contact: Becky Hess
Bethlehem Emergency Sheltering, our local cold-weather shelter, has been operating at full capacity since opening for the season on November 1. In the new year, our Wesley team will serve dinner to the shelter guests on January 20, February 17, March 17, and April 21. New volunteers welcome!
Night at the Lehigh Valley Phantoms
Friday January 25, 7:05 PM, PPL Center
Contact: Frank Madura
Join us for a night of ice hockey at the Lehigh Valley Phantoms, sponsored by the Wesley Men’s Group! Tickets are $25 each and open to all. For those who wish to carpool, we will meet at the church before the game.
JAM (Jesus & Me) Choir
Sunday January 26 after worship
Contact: Becky Graybeal
Elementary and middle school students are invited to join us in lifting up songs of praise! Our JAM Choir meets on select Sundays after worship and sings occasionally during worship. All are welcome to our first rehearsal of the new year (even if you haven’t participated in JAM before!).
Confirmation Info Session
Sunday January 26, 4:00 PM (via Zoom)
Contact: Pastor Candy
In our United Methodist tradition, “confirmation” is the process by which youth in our congregation learn more about the Bible and Christian teaching, discover their spiritual gifts, and take ownership of their faith. Our 2025 Confirmation Program will begin in February. This info session is intended for parents of youth (6th grade or older) who may be interested in this year’s program. Come to learn all about Confirmation!
Winter Book Club: Remarkably Bright Creatures
Session 1: Wednesday January 29, 6:30-7:45 PM
Contact: Pastor Candy
This year, our winter book club will focus on a deep read of Shelby Van Pelt’s novel Remarkably Bright Creatures. This moving story explores concepts like family, purpose, grief, and hope… all while following a widow’s unlikely friendship with a giant Pacific octopus. We will discuss the first half of the novel in our January session, and conclude with the second half in February.
Pork & Sauerkraut Fundraiser
Saturday February 8, 4-8 PM
Contact: Sarah Campbell
Pork & sauerkraut is the traditional dish of the new year! Join us for a sit-down/takeout pork & sauerkraut dinner to benefit our annual “We Got Your Back” backpack program.* $15 per person, includes menu of pork, sauerkraut, mashed potatoes, green beans, roll, drink, and dessert (plus in-person entertainment!). Pay at the door or pre-pay.
*providing backpacks, school supplies, and socks & underwear to children and youth in our community
Winston’s Superbowl Sunday Birthday Celebration
Sunday February 9 after worship
Contact: Debbie Ace
Celebrate Winston, Wesley’s unofficial mascot! Two years ago, some staff members placed Winston (a 3-foot silver greyhound statue) in Pastor Candy’s office as a prank. Winston has become a beloved member of our church family. After worship, join us for a “birthday” celebration and puppy-bowl. Wear your favorite team’s colors.
Wesley Church Small Groups:
● Sunday School for all ages (Sundays at 9:00 AM, resuming January 6)
Children/Youth Sunday School Primary Contact: Deb Silliman, Adult Sunday School Primary Contact: Christian Lockhart,
● Prayer Team (Mondays at 10:00 AM, resuming January 8)
Primary Contact: Pastor Candy LaBar,
● Women’s Group (Mondays at 6:00 PM, resuming January 6, no meeting January 20)
Primary Contact: Sarah Campbell,
● Men’s Group (Tuesdays at 6:30 PM, meeting continuously)
Primary Contact: Rich Chambers,
● Celebration Ringers (Wednesdays at 6:00 PM, resuming January 8)
Primary Contact: Chris Perfetti,
● Alpha Bells (Wednesdays at 7:15 PM, resuming January 8)
Primary Contact: Chris Perfetti,
● Jubilation Singers (Wednesdays at 7:15 PM, resuming January 8)
Primary Contact: Becky Graybeal,
Save the Date!
● Winter Yard Sale: March 1, 8:30 AM to 1:00 PM, Fellowship Hall
● Ash Wednesday Worship: March 5, Palm Burning at 12:00 PM, Worship at 7:30 PM