Celebrate Pentecost!
This Sunday, May 28, we celebrate the Day of Pentecost — the day that we recognize as the birthday of the church! How can we celebrate Pentecost?
Read the Story.
Turn to Acts 2:1-42 to read the story of the Day of Pentecost, the day when the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples and empowered them to share the good news of Jesus Christ with the world.
Wear Red.
Red is the color of Pentecost, symbolizing the supernatural flames that are part of the Pentecost story. It’s a longstanding tradition in the church to wear red in celebration of Pentecost and the Holy Spirit.
Let’s Eat!
It wouldn’t be a church celebration without food, right? Join us in the atrium after worship to celebrate Pentecost Sunday with Pentecost Sundaes! We’ll top vanilla ice cream with strawberry sauce (to signify the tongues of fire), Dove chocolates (to signify the Holy Spirit), and an optional “cherry” on top — an Atomic Fireball candy (more fire!).