As you may know, we’ve been experiencing some technical difficulties with our livestream system over the past several weeks. We appreciate your patience! Our team is continuing to troubleshoot issues, update equipment, and make contingency plans. We will be livestreaming all of our Holy Week services (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday). Join us in person or online!
Garden Work Day
Help us get the garden beds, community areas, and fencing ready for the 2024 growing season! Join us in the garden on Saturday April 6 at 10 AM for a garden work day.
For more information on the Community Garden ministry, please contact Christine Bell.
Backpack Clothing Drive: Drop-offs this Sunday!
The Backpack Team appreciates everyone’s support for our biannual clothing drive! We understand that many of you like to be able to bring in your bags of items as you clean out your homes and not just during our fall and spring collections. With that in mind (and to make things a little easier on our Backpack team members), we are no longer collecting the bags in the alcove in the Atrium. Instead, on the first Sunday of each month after worship, the Backpack team will be available at our shed (outdoors, by Fellowship Hall) to collect your items and make sure they are bagged correctly. Upcoming drop-off dates include: April 7, May 5, June 2, July 7, and August 4.
If, for whatever reason, you need to drop something off at another time, please contact us to arrange an appointment to drop your items off. Thank you!
2024 Directory Updates
Every fall we attempt to update our directory with the current contact information for our church family. Over the next few weeks you will be receive a call from one of our volunteers asking for your current information and how you prefer to have that listed in the directory. (Options include name, address, landline / home phone, cell phone, and email address. You also have the option not to be included in the directory at all.)
In order to make this process as efficient as possible, we encourage you to email Susan, our office administrator, with this information now. This will save our volunteers a phone call! Otherwise, if you receive one of our calls, please respond as soon as you are able — even if there are no changes to your information.
We hope to have the update directories printed by the first of the year, but we need your help to meet that deadline. Thank you!
Need a ride to church?
Do you struggle to find a way to get to worship on Sunday mornings? Members of Wesley’s Men’s Group are eager to provide rides to seniors who no longer drive, those who are unable to drive, or those who do not have their own transportation. If you would like to request a ride to church, please contact Rich Chambers, the Men’s Group carpool coordinator.
From the Church Library:
It’s time to check your shelves (and stacks) for overdue library books. We’d like to get them back as soon as possible. Then you can get some new items for summer reading!