If you have a love of learning or a desire to connect with other people of faith, we encourage you to volunteer as an adult study group leader! Leaders are needed for adult Sunday School classes (either before or after worship) as well as mid-week Bible study groups. Not sure where to begin? Pastor Candy will be happy to help you pick out a study resource and walk you through the process. For more information, or to volunteer, contact Pastor Candy.
Wesley Church Fall Sale
Mark your calendars for Saturday October 23, 9:30 AM – 2:00 PM, for the church’s annual fall sale. Come shop from many yard sale and vendor tables. Enjoy some trick or treating for kids at participating tables, too! The kitchen will be open for lunch purchases, and we’ll offer a silent auction and bake sale, too.
To become a vendor, or for more information on volunteering, please contact Debbie Ace by phone (215-804-7509) or email, or contact Betty Killo by email.
Pet Supply Drive in October
Throughout the month of October, we will be collecting animal food, pet toys, pet litter, leashes, and other supplies to be donated to the Animal Food Bank of the Lehigh Valley. Donations can be placed in the bin at the church from October 1 through October 20. Thank you for caring for all of God’s creatures!
Prayer Shawl Ministry
The Prayer Shawl Ministry is back! This ministry provides another way for us to gather at a table, and share our craft and faith with each other and with others. Stop by our table at the pancake breakfast (September 18), pick up some yarn, and help us determine where, when, and how often to gather.
Already have some yarn? We are currently in need of prayer shawls for adults!
For more info, contact Karen Rose (610-657-5440) or Sarah Campbell.
Blessing of the Animals
Bring your furry, feathery, or four-legged friends to church for a special pet blessing! On Sunday October 2 at 12:15 PM, join us outside (in front of the main doors) for a brief “Blessing of the Animals” service. We’ll offer your beloved pet some prayers of blessing… as well as some delicious treats! Help pass on the blessing by bringing a donation of pet food or pet supplies to benefit the Animal Food Bank of the Lehigh Valley.
Celebrated each year near the Feast of St. Francis (the patron saint of animals, according to some Christian traditions), the Blessing of the Animals provides the opportunity to ask God’s blessing over the pets who are truly part of our families. For more information, please contact the pastor.
On Going Reminders
- Pastoral Care: If you have a pastoral care need, please contact the church office or email Pastor Candy.
- Prayer Shawl Ministry: Put your love of craft to some holy use! To get involved, contact Karen Rose at 610-657-5440, or by email.
- Altar Flowers: Mark a special occasion by providing altar flowers in worship! To sign up, email Susan Matacavage. Each bouquet costs $40.
- Amazon Smile: Support Wesley Church by using AmazonSmile — for each Amazon purchase you make, a donation is made to our church. Visit smile.amazon.com for more details.
- WCOF Wawa Coupons: Support our preschool by purchasing Wawa coupons! Each coupon costs $4, can be redeemed for a Wawa Shorti hoagie (valued at $4.79-5.59), and includes a $1 donation to Wesley Circle of Friends Preschool. It’s a win-win fundraiser! To order gift cards, or for more information, contact Susan Matacavage.
- Vanco Mobile: Download Vanco Mobile (formerly Give+) for more information on making a one-time or recurring financial gift.
- Birthday Cards: Our prayer team is seeking to send birthday cards to senior adults in our congregation. To be included, email Susan Matacavage (susan@wesleychurch.com) with your name and birth date.