Wesley at a Glance
What’s Happening Now
Sunday Worship —– March 30, 2025
Join us for Worship Service on March 30 at 10 AM Worship This Week: Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God Sermon Series Part 4: “Cautionary Tale” Luke 16:19-31 This month,...
Easter Flowers
Remember to place your order for Easter flowers! If you are interested in purchasing sanctuary flowers for Easter Sunday, please complete the form that will be in the...
Announcements This Week
Easter Basket Packing Party
Join us on Sunday March 30 for an Easter Basket Packing Party! We will gather in the Fellowship Hall from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM to pack Easter baskets and gift bags for the families who have…
Donations for Bethlehem Emergency Sheltering
Each year, as we gather for our Maundy Thursday service and recall Jesus’ humble act of washing his disciples’ feet, we sponsor a donation drive to bless feet in a practical way….
Pancake Breakfast & Egg Hunt
Join us on Sunday April 13 for our annual Pancake Breakfast and Egg Hunt! Enjoy pancakes from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM in Fellowship Hall, worship with us at 10:00 AM in the…
Library Used Book Sale
Mark your calendars for the Church Library’s Used Book Sale which will be held on Sundays April 27 and May 4, before and after worship, in the Atrium. Meanwhile, start weeding your bookshelves…
Church Directory
We are getting ready to print our new church directory. Beginning Sunday March 9, please stop by the tables in the Atrium to confirm that your contact information is correct. For more…
Women’s Group Lenten Study
The Wesley Women’s Group will be starting a new book study for the season of Lent! For our Lenten study, we will read Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God by Brian Zahnd. We will be…
Celebrate Holy Week
Palm Sunday … April 13, 10:00 AM Worship Maundy Thursday … April 17, 7:30 PM Worship Good Friday … April 18, 12:00 PM Worship Easter Sunday … April 20, 10:00 AM Worship…
JAM (Jesus & Me) Choir
Elementary and middle school students are invited to join us in lifting up songs of praise! Our JAM Choir meets on select Sundays after worship and sings occasionally during worship. All our…
Trustees News
Your church Trustees have been hard at work over the past several weeks! Last week, we completed the installation of the new church sign on 512 (see photo, right), and are continuing to…
Ongoing Reminders
- Need a ride to church? Members of Wesley’s Men’s Group are eager to provide transportation to those unable to drive to church. To request a ride, please contact Rich Chambers.
- Pastoral Care: If you have a pastoral care need, please contact the church office or email Pastor Candy.
- Handy Helpers: If you have a special handy skill or just a willingness to help out with odd jobs around the church, please contact Henry Simmelink to be added to Wesley’s Handy Helpers list.
- Prayer Shawl Ministry: Put your love of craft to some holy use! To get involved, contact Karen Rose at 610-657-5440, or by email.
- Travel Mugs: Our signature Wesley travel mugs are available for purchase for $20 each. To purchase your mug, see Susan at the welcome desk on Sundays after worship, or stop by the church office during our regular office hours.
- Altar Flowers: Mark a special occasion by providing altar flowers in worship! To sign up, email Susan Matacavage. Each bouquet costs $40.
- Birthday Cards: Our prayer team is seeking to send birthday cards to senior adults in our congregation. To be included, email Susan Matacavage (susan@wesleychurch.com) with your name and birth date.