As a reminder, our Superbowl / Puppy Bowl donations (dry cat food, small bags of dry dog food) to benefit the Animal Food Bank of the Lehigh Valley are due this week, just in time for the big game. Helping vulnerable animals is motivation enough to give… but our bishop has added some extra motivation! Bishop John Schol writes:
We’ve been challenged. The United Methodists of Missouri and Kansas (Chiefs fans) have the audacity to challenge the good people of EPA&GNJ in conjunction with this Sunday’s Super Bowl. Apparently, they think their football team is better and that they can collect more food for area food banks than we can. The football game will be settled on the field. But we can demonstrate our commitment to help feed those who need food.
If we collect more food, they will send your bishop some Kansas City barbeque. If they collect more food, I will be sending… some Tastykakes and Philly Cheesesteaks. Fly Eagles Fly!!
Please bring in your donations on or before Sunday February 12. Thank you in advance for your generosity!