Can you believe Christmas is coming already?
This season reminds us to center on our Christian calling as disciples of Jesus, putting all that we have to use for God’s good purposes. As the Finance Team, we want to update you on how we are acting as stewards of your gifts.
The Finance Team recently approved the draft 2023 Budget. Wayne Muffley (Church Treasurer) will present it to the Church Council on December 11.
As we analyzed our giving, we noticed that giving trends fell off in September and October. The Finance Team discussed the fact that we are now about $25,000 behind in giving in 2021. Pastor Candy is praying for a rebound in November and for great generosity in December. Let’s catch up and move ahead of last year!
We continue to receive pledge cards, and we are grateful for that. Pledge cards are imporant, but many of us who normally pledge have not done so yet this year. We invite you to please complete and submit your pledge. Cards are available for you.
In the spirit of generosity and commitment,
Christmas blessings to you,
The Finance Team