>> UPDATE <<
Luminaria Night | Dec. 11
If you are still interested in participating in Luminaria Night 2021, please go to the following link to purchase your Luminaria Night kits. New Bethany Ministries is still selling kits up until the day of the event per the dates and times below.
Please purchase your kits through our Individual Sales page:https://fundrazr.com/NBM_IndividualSales
You can come retrieve your kits by following the below instructions:
o All pickups will be at the front entrance of the Luminaria warehouse, located at: 1510 Valley Center Parkway, Bethlehem – Ste. 180 –enter through the front door. The below chart identifies the dates and times that you can come to retrieve your ordered kits.
Thursday, December 9th | 3pm-6 pm |
Friday, December 10th | 12pm – 4pm |
Saturday, December 11th | 9am – 2pm |
o Our thank you letter/tax form, and kit assembly instructions are on our website.
Inclement Weather Update will be sent via email to participants on Saturday, December 11th by 2pm. Our alternative date, if needed, will be Saturday, December 18th. There will also be an announcement on our website.
EMILY PARKERDirector of DevelopmentNew Bethany Ministries PH: 610-691-5602 x. 206 FX : 610-866-3427333 West 4th Street, Bethlehem, PA 18015eparker@newbethanyministries.orgNewBethanyMinistries.orgFollow Us: FACEBOOK | TWITTERNew Bethany Ministries offers hope and support to people who experience poverty, hunger, and homelessness. |