Today, our incredible Wesley musicians continue to offer their gifts in new, creative, and increasingly technological ways! Today’s musical offering is our Chancel Choir’s rendition of “Christ Is Risen, Alleluia!”
Chancel Choir director Becky Graybeal writes:
“Christ Is Risen, Alleluia!” is a joyful Easter anthem that blends a newly written “hymn-like melody” with the traditional Easter hymn, “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today”. The majestic sounds, including the festive trumpet part, offer celebration and praise for Jesus’ resurrection and triumph over death. Let us lift our voices together in thanks and praise, for Christ IS risen, Alleluia!
Many thanks to the musicians who offered their gifts to this recording:
- Wesley Church Chancel Choir
- Angel Perez, trumpet
- Patrick Kiefner, trumpet
Access the recording by clicking here
May you add your own ‘alleluias’ to the growing Easter chorus, and may you remember:
Our God is bigger than coronavirus.
Our vision is bigger than coronavirus, too.
We are people blessing people.
We are Wesley Church.
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