Donations for Bethlehem Emergency Sheltering
Each year, as we gather for our Maundy Thursday service and recall Jesus’ humble act of washing his disciples’ feet, we sponsor a donation drive to bless feet in a practical way. It’s our way of “reimagining footwashing” as we seek to be “people blessing people!” This year, we will collect specific requested items — including…
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Pancake Breakfast & Egg Hunt
Join us on Sunday April 13 for our annual Pancake Breakfast and Egg Hunt! Enjoy pancakes from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM in Fellowship Hall, worship with us at 10:00 AM in the Sanctuary, and then join us for fellowship hour and our Easter egg hunt (rain or shine!) at 11:15 AM. Donations and helpers are needed! Sign up to…
Trustees News
Your church Trustees have been hard at work over the past several weeks! Last week, we completed the installation of the new church sign on 512 (see photo, right), and are continuing to work on the electrical connections needed to illuminate the new sign. This week, we installed two of the much-needed new HVAC units (see photos, left and…